Diagnosing a computer that will not turn on
1. Check the connections to the computer to make sure they are secure.
2. Check that the power cable is plugged into the wall or power strip
3. Check that the power strip is turned on or the wall outlet is not on a switch
4. Press the power button to see if the computer lights up or you hear the fans start to spin
5. If that does not resolve the issue flow the flowing steps
- shut down the computer
- unplug the power cable from the wall or power strip
- hold down the power button for 10 to 15 seconds
- plug the computer back into the wall or power strip
- attempt to turn the computer on by pressing the power button
If you do not hear or see any lights, there may be a problem with your power supply or charging circuit.
- At this point, you will need to bring the computer in to be serviced. Please do not waste money buying a new charger or battery as often that is not the issue.